The History of England

from Celts through 20th century

Archives for the ‘19th century’ Category

The Napoleonic Wars Go on

Category: 19th century

With Napoleon out of the way William Pitt was able to form the Second Coalition with Russia and Austria. The Russian army drove the French out of North Italy, and the king of Naples effected a counter­revolution in the South with the support of Horatio Nelson’s fleet. In the autumn of 1798 Napoleon left his […]

The Napoleonic Wars Begin

Category: 19th century

  In the 1790′s, the wars of the French Revolution merged into the Napoleonic Wars, as Napoleon Bonaparte took over the French revolutionary gov­ernment. At first the war did not go well for Britain. The First Coalition with Prussia, Austria, and Rus­sia against the French col­lapsed in 1796, and in 1797 Britain was beset by […]

The Union with Ireland

Category: 19th century

Ireland had been more affected by the French Revolution than, perhaps, any other country in Eu­rope. Some of the Irish united under the leadership of Wolfe Tone and began to demand independence for Ireland. They formed an organization known as the United Irishmen.