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Archives for the ‘Education’ Category


Category: Education

The principal post-school institutions of higher education are the 47 universities (including the Open University), of which 36 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. The English universities are: Aston (Birmingham), Bath, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brunei (London), Cambridge, City (London), Durham, East Anglia, Essex, Exeter, Hull, Keele, Kent […]


Category: Education

The following stage in the British educational system is further education. The term ‘further education’ can be used in a general sense to cover all post-school education, and it usually refers to post-school, non-university education. Much of the further education is broadly vocational in purpose. Young people have several options at 16. They can stay […]


Category: Education

The educational system of Great Britain is heavily class-conditioned, both historically and actually. Inequalities in schooling cause differences in the internal structure of schools themselves and in the content of teaching. This reflects the differences in the social class composition of the student bodies. Not surprisingly, the results of schooling differ greatly for children of […]

Education in Great Britain: Higher Education

Category: Education

There is a considerable choice of post-school education in Britain. In addition to universities, there are also polytechnics and a series of different types of assisted colleges, such as colleges of technology, art, etc., which tend to provide more work-orientated courses than universities. Some of these courses are part-time, with the students being released by […]

Education in Britain

Category: Education

In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old. In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In […]

Education In England

Category: Education

In England, the Department of Education and Science is responsible for all levels of education. Universities, however, are self-governing and depend on the government only for financial grants. Education is compulsory between the ages of five and sixteen. About one-third of primary and secondary schools in England are administered by Anglican or Roman Catholic voluntary […]


Category: Education

The  legal  basis  of  the  system  is  the  Education  Act  1944,  and  the  amendments  made  by  fourteen  Acts  of  Parliament  betwe­en  1946  and  1972.  The  1944  Act  prescribes  the  duty  of  govern­ment,  local  education  authorities  and  parents  in  a  system  which  is  compulsory  for  those  aged  five  to  sixteen,  and  which  contains  op­tional  preschool  and  […]


Category: Education

Education  is  compulsory  between  the  ages  of  five  and  sixteen.  The  minimum  leaving  age  has  been  raised  from  fifteen  to  sixteen  in  1972—73.  Compulsory  schooling  is  divided  into  a  primary  and  secondary  stage.  The  transition  from  primary  to  secondary  schooling  is  normally  made  around  the  age  of  eleven.  Since  the  Education  Act,  1964,  gave  local  […]


Category: Education

Primary  education  includes  three  age  ranges:  nursery  forchildren  under  five  years,  infants  from  five  to  seven  or  eight,  and  juniors  from  seven  or  eight  to  eleven  or  twelve  years.  Attendance  is  voluntary,  but  much  sought  after,  for  children  under  five.  They  may  attend  one  of  the  rare  publicly  maintained  nursery  schools,  an  independent  nursery  school,  […]


Category: Education

Secondary  schools  are  generally  much  larger  than  primary  schools.  Over  half  have  between  400  and  800  pupils.  The  largest  schools  have  2,000.  There  were  5,400  maintained  secondary  schools  in  1970  with  3  million  pupils,  178  direct  grant  schools  with  119,000  pu­pils  and  2,775  independent  secondary  schools,  including  the  famous  “public1’  schools,  with  over  43,000  pupils.  […]