Sound Broadcasting
Category: Cinema + TV/RadioThe BBC operates four domestic sound broadcasting services from 59 transmitting stations, and two main groups of external broadcasting services from 37 high power, high frequency transmitters in the United Kingdom and from two (used for relay purposes) at Tebrau, near Singapore. Until recently, the domestic sound, services were broadcast solely on long and medium wave-lengths, allocated to the United Kingdom under the Copenhagen Agreement of 1948, which aimed at minimising interference between the broadcasting stations of the participating countries.
However, the growth in the number of European broadcasting stations after that date (there are now twice as many as in 1948) so diminished the effectiveness of the Agreement that, in 1955, the BBC began to establish a network of very high frequency (VHF) transmitters. By 1958, fifteen permanent VHF transmitting stations had been built and put into operation, and the VHF service is now available to some 93 per cent of the population. The VHF stations broadcast the Home Service appropriate to the region in which they are situated, as well as the Light Programme, the Third Programme and Network Three, and for all these services greatly improved reception is assured. Seven more such stations have been approved by the Postmaster General.
There are 157 studios for the domestic sound programmes, of which 61 are in London and 96 at various centres in the regional areas. Tlie external services use 32 London studios. There are also semi-automatic studios which can be operated in 14 different centres in the United Kingdom by a programme official without the attendance of an engineer.