The Progressive Role of the Guilds in the 11th-13th Centuries
Category: 13th centuryIn the 11th-13th centuries when the town crafts began to grow the guild system was of great importance. The life of the craftsmen was bound up with the guilds. The guild was a military organization as each guild formed its municipal guard detachment and a levy of guildsmen fought together against the enemies of the town.
It was also a religious society. A merchant or a craftsman was supposed to be a Christian. The guildsmen went to church together. They had their own saint that was considered the patron of their craft. Often they built their own chapel where a priest conducted services in honour of their patron saint. On holy days the guild arranged joint festivities. All the guildsmen contributed to the Church.
The guild had a special fund to help needy craftsmen and their families. If a guildsman fell into debt through illness or accident the guild would help him to start anew. If he died his guild would take care of his wife and children.
Besides, the guild protected its members from the competition of the non-guildsmen. In the 11th-13th centuries natural economy still existed in England and the bulk of the population produced all the necessities of life themselves. That is why the demand for goods at the market was very low and the competition of the non-guildsmen was dangerous. It was very important for the townsmen to produce articles of higher quality than those produced by the village artisans and to exercise absolute control over the town market. The guild made all its members produce goods of high quality and the high tolls exacted from the artisans and merchants coming from other towns protected the guildsmen from competition.
The guild also tried to prevent competition among the guildsmen themselves. It forbade them to win over each other’s customers; it limited the production of each workshop so as to ensure the sale of goods for every craftsman.
Thus the guild system secured favourable conditions for the development of crafts and trade in the 11th-13th centuries. It united the town artisans and helped them to start and practise their craft. It helped them to defend their town from the predatory raids of the feudal lords.
As a result, the number of craftsmen in towns increased and new crafts appeared. English craftsmen became highly skilled and some of the goods they produced were among the best in Europe. For instance, at foreign markets, the scarlet that was produced in Lincoln or the blue woollen stuff of Beverley were famous for their high quality alongside with the best well-known Italian and Flemish articles.